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Writer's pictureSteve Richard

Awaken to Truth

Updated: Jul 21, 2019

As a believer of 30+ years following Jesus and being part of the Church, one thing has become clear to me; we only see in part, we only know in part. This reality has become ever so clear to me these past 5 years. One day, someone I had recently met gave me a prophetic word that essentially said "Steve, there are things you believe that are lies and I'm going to expose the lies to you so you can come into Truth". As a long-time believer that studied the Word for myself (not just what the preacher said), I was quite taken back with this prophetic personal word.

At first, I thought to myself "How could that be?" I believed in all of the major movements of the past 100+ years starting with Azusa Street to the present. With each movement, The Lord was restoring Truths back to His Church. This is certainly not a comprehensive list, but many of those truths were/are the Holy Spirit and His gifts, healing, faith, prophetic, deliverance, grace and I'm sure there's more. I was a 25 year student of these things, how could I be believing some lies?

I wrote the prophetic word down, pondered it and continued to seek the Lord. Well, sure enough, the weeks that ensued began an illumination of God's flashlight on things I had "picked up" along the way that I believed to be true, but they were not. They were man's opinions mixed in with Truth. I call it the "Green-house" effect. As a believer, you are part of a Green-house, it may be your local church, your denominational affiliation or group of favorite preachers that all think alike. It can become a bit of a "group think". Unknowingly, you assume some of their opinions as your own. After all, they are our leaders and seeking the Lord to feed the people! Most of them are right on many things, but no man or woman is perfect. We ALL see in part and know in part...including our Kingdom leaders.

Over a 6 month period, the Lord illuminated four lies to me, one at a time. He spoke to me "You believe this ------, and that's a lie". Whoa. I then would ask the Lord, then what is the Truth on that? And He would bring me to His Word. I had to "search a matter out" as He highlighted an area to me.

It has been 5 years since that first encounter and I have learned to become self-aware in my beliefs. My attitude has become "Lord, what does your Word actually say?" versus this is what I've always been taught. This one Truth that I (and they) only see in part and know in part has caused me to look deeper and go to the original of the Scriptures for myself. I've realized that I have my own personal "church" preferences based on how I was raised in the church over the years. Becoming self-aware has enabled me to take off the proverbial green-house lens and seek "Truth in a matter" for myself with the Lord through His Word. This is after all, YOUR personal journey with the Lord.

One last bit of caution, we do not "throw out the baby with the bath water". If we find some dirty water (lies) in the same tub with the baby (Truth), we keep the baby, we flush the dirty water and deposit clean water. Most ministers are truly seeking the Lord and doing their best to feed the sheep as best they can. Are there charlatans? Yes, absolutely but most are not. As you come into more Truth, others may struggle with your new found freedom in Christ. Some will seek the Lord themselves and see it for themselves, others will not. Love is always the way and Jesus values Kingdom relationships over drawing lines in the sand. Share, but don't push. If you feel you need to move on from a green-house, seek the Lord but treat the people with the utmost value, maintaining and cherishing the relationships above everything else.

This is Kingdom thinking, Jesus is into Kingdom not "I'm right and you're wrong". All of us in His Kingdom see in part and know in part. Your newly revealed Truth is NO reason to blow up important relationships with your brothers and sisters in Christ, and let's face it, you don't have it all or know it all either. None of us will until we are with Jesus.

I love my Baptists, Charismatics, Pentecostals, Faith movement, Catholics, non-denominational, home-churches etc.... brothers and sisters in Christ. What makes a good soup? All of the ingredients. Value what they bring to the Kingdom versus the Truth you have that they don't, because the reverse is also true. Humility and valuing the differences is Kingdom thinking and Jesus is all about His Kingdom.

A final word: This is my first blog as it sets the foundation of every blog to be written. My heart and my eyes are on seeking Truth, even when it does not agree with what I personally (or you) believe in the moment. I may write some things that rub you the wrong way initially, but don't take my word on it, "seek a matter out" for your self with a question "could this be true and could I be off in this area? What does the Word actually say?". That is a great place to be. Holy Spirit will reveal every Truth as we come into more and more freedom in the Kingdom.

Love to all in your personal journey with the Lord Jesus, the King of His Kingdom.

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May 19, 2019

Looking forward to getting to know you as we see New England embraced by Holy Spirit!

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